Meet the Traveler …

Greetings! My name is Matthew. I created this site as a way to document my adventures as a leisure traveler across the world. At present my location is Nha Trang, Vietnam. I am originally from the USA with 15 years of servitude living in New York City (Upper East Side and Brooklyn). I then decided to spread my wings and travel full-time, forever. I have been gone since December of 2019 – 49 months of continuous travel exploring 43 countries and territories.

Here are a few of my categories and interests as a travel blogger: beginner international travel, budget travel, backpacking, solo travel, slow travel/digital nomading, through hiking, ultra-light travel gear, photography and drones, Cycling, Watersports (packrafting). I utilize a mix of transportation and lodging including, via trains, buses, ferries, airlines, through-hiking, and rarely hitchhiking. For lodging I use couch surfing, free/paid camping, hotels, guesthouses, Airbnb, temp apartments, as well as hostels. See more below the photo…

Some recent destinations: Nha Trang, Vietnam, 11 days, Da Nang, Vietnam, 7 days, Ninh Binh Vietnam, 5 days, Sapa, Vietnam, 10 days, Hanoi, Vietnam, 36 days, Osaka, Japan, 30 days, Kobe, Japan, 1 day, Kyoto, Japan , 1 day, Gurugram India, 30 days, Agra, India, 2 days, New Delhi, India, 7 days, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1 day, Bucharest, Romania, 5 days (second time), Athens, Greece, 14 days, Tirana, Albania (30 days).

A few more details about my plan. I originally was considering moving to various countries as an expat but this seemed too boring!, I changed the plan and decided to keep moving around the world to experience a new places every 1 to 3 months. Of course, coronavirus interrupted mine and everyone else’s travel plans for 2020, but in the year 2021 I was able to resume my travels away from Cambodia, moving from the country of Cambodia to the continent of Europe. I plan on continuing to travel for the long term after 2023 and beyond.

Make sure to check out my other social media. Here’s my Youtube, I have about 474 videos all over the world. I’m still adding to my Instagram here (take 28,000 photos but only added about 380), and finally a new Facebook and, Linkedin specifically for this journey. Total social media followers is about 4000 people on my personal plus Solo Vagabond accounts.

and lastly, links to fellow bloggers for inspiration here blogs list.